観光資源としての歴史空間 : 長崎市出島和蘭商館跡の復元整備事業
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論文This paper considers a case that the historical space is reconstructed as tourism resource. We study the process and contemporary situation of the project "Dejima Historic Site Renovation " in Nagasaki. Here, "Historical Space" means the space lost in the present but was to be in the past. We think that reconstruction of these types of space means that they revive reality belongs to the past through various intellectual activities of human beings. Dejima is a land fill constructed in 1634. Tokugawa government closed Japan and moved Dutch trading house from Hirado to Dejima in 1641. After that Dejima is the only international contact point through the Japanese periods of isolation. Our philosophical interest is this. Why do they want lost historical space? How do they come reach a decision of authenticity of the past? And by what means do they claim the effectiveness as tourism resource? It is not a few that a local government gets involved in the development of tourism resource. However, in the case of the "Dejima Historic Site Renovation," the uniqueness of historical features of Dejima has an impact on this project. This uniqueness is very simple, that is "OGIGATA" spreads out like fan, the figure of Dejima. The "Renovation" of Dejima as historical space depends on the revival of this "OGIGATA" features. They spent energy to expose this features. They call this activity "KENZAIKA," that is actualization of "OGIGATA" features. It is called; "OGIGATA" is the original "symbol" of Dejima. Its perfect revival means the reconstruction of the historical space, plays a role as historic site and has authenticity as tourism resource. First, this paper checks the review articles of sociology and anthropology of tourism. Second, we study the process of the project "Dejima Historic Site Renovation" in Nagasaki. Third, we look at contemporary situation; a local government collects the admission fee. We see that the collection of admission fee means obviously the commoditization of the space. However at the same time, by this setting, Dejima has been separated from the daily life space. People have aconsciousness of the specific properties. So we think that it means "socio-economic actualization" of Dejima as a result of this study.
- 慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科の論文
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