交易港と異文化空間 : 長崎港の機能と解釈(第1部 空間の表象,<特集>文化人類学の現代的課題II)
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特集文化人類学の現代的課題II第1部 空間の表象投稿論文1. はじめに2. 交易港(Ports of Trade)3. 交易港としての長崎4. 交易港を認識する5. 異文化としての象6. 結語This paper considers "Ports of Trade" by Karl Polanyi from some theoretical viewpoints and the case of Nagasaki, Japan. Ports of Trade are not just more ports in which trades are done. It is their feature that the power of hinterland take political control of the ports, as a result, the ports are kept neutral and safety in transactions. The space of the ports is ambiguous, that is to say, the ports belong territorially to hinterland, at the same time, they are alien territory. There are many ports which are defined "Ports of Trade" all over the world. In Japan, Nagasaki is the most suits. Especially Dejima at Nagasaki is landfill construction in 1634. So in this paper, first we learn the Nagasaki Port historically. After that, we consider the cross-cultural situation. Especially we check the event that the elephant from Southeast Asia reached at the port of Nagasaki and walked to Tokyo. People believe the power of the elephant from the folk religious viewpoint. This case show clearly that "Ports of Trade" is deeply related cross-cultural situation, and is the contact point of cross-cultural interpretation. So we need consider "Ports of Trade" from the cross-cultural standpoint, not only economically but also culturally.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
- 石塚道子・田沼幸子・冨山一郎編, 『ポスト・ユートピアの人類学』, 京都, 人文書院, 2008年, 380頁, 3,600円(+税)
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