事故・災害に起因する原子炉規制案に対する近大原研の対応 - 今後の原子炉管理に役立つことを祈って -
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資料As a result of investigating cause and effect of accidents or natural disasters, the authorities concerned would introduce new regulations. It is desirable that the person in authority should negotiate with the parties concerned on the regulation. After following accidents and natural disasters, three negotiations were made between the person in authority and the Kinki University Atomic Energy Research Institute. (1) The accident at Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in 1979. (2) The crash near a nuclear power plant in Ehime prefecture in 1988. (3) The Great Hanshin Earthquake in 1995.The documents of the negotiations are described. They discuss ways of building up better relationships between the authorities and the parties concerned.
- 事故・災害に起因する原子炉規制案に対する近大原研の対応 - 今後の原子炉管理に役立つことを祈って -
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