- 論文の詳細を見る
Understanding of vegetation conditions is needed to establish an appropriate management and resource utilization system for satoyama (community forestry). Vegetation condition was investigated at 100 sites of 100m^2 [10 m × 10 m] plot each in Nara Campus satoyama, focusing on the woody plant community from June through December of 2008. The spermatophytes and fernery plants were collected, and 153 species of woody plants and 123 species of herbaceous plants were identified. Among these, there were 164 species of medicinal plants and 23 species of naturalized plants, of which 15 were endangered species. The forest floor is dark without proper forest management and the diversity of vegetation is poor. Invasion by Phyllostachys pubescens, and Pinus densifora, and thick growth of Pleioblastus fortunei and vines as well as illegal disposal of garbage were observed. Moreover, 14 species of naturalized plants occupy the greening slope of the campus, with a relatively high. naturalization rate of 41.6%.Understanding the conditions of satoyama is one challenge,and managing it is another. Utilizing satoyama as a place for research and education will increase the opportunity for maintaining and managing it properly.
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