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Nontraumatic renal subcapsular hematoma is an uncommon but not rare clinical entity. If a small renal cell carcinoma is the cause of the hematoma, the carcinoma can hardly be diagnosed on the basis of conventional roentgenographic findings. Computerized tomography provides a noninvasive means of visualizing the hematoma and renal tumor, and of understanding their extent, location and relationship to renal parenchyma. A 42-year-old female, whose complaint was right abdominal pain and vomiting, was admitted to our hospital and a right renal subcapsular hematoma was demonstrated by computerized tomography. She was in good general condition, and renal malignant tumor was not demonstrated by computerized tomography, conventional roentgenographic examinations or ultrasonography. Her clinical course was not eventful . A brief review of clinical diagnosis and management of this disease are made.
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