東海大学病院泌尿器科における尿中分離細菌について 第3報: 1981~1982年の分離細菌とディスク感受性
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1981年1月から1982年12月までの間に東海大学病院泌尿器科外来および入院患者尿中から105個/ml以上の細菌を検出したものについて検討した.外来患者からは2,029株,入院患者からは754株検出し,外来ではE. coli 24.1%,Proteus spp. 9.4%,Enterococci 9.2%,S. epidermidis 8.8%,P. aeruginosa以外の非醗酵菌11.6%,K. pneumoniae 7.0%の順に多く,入院のほうではEnterococci 11.6%,S. epidermidis 11.4%,P. aeruginosa 11.1%,P. aeruginosa以外の非醗酵菌10.7%,Proteus spp. 8.8%の順であった.9菌種について薬剤ディスク感受性をみたが,全体的にTC, SBPCに対する感受性率の低下,Enterococcus, S. epidermidisに対すアミノ糖系薬剤の感受性率向上が認められた.入院患者由来菌種にグラム陽性球菌の増加が見られたことは,第3世代セフェムの汎用に関係すると思われたThe following results were obtained from the statistical studies and drug sensitivity tests of bacterial florae isolated from the urinary tract in 1981 and 1982. Of the 2,029 strains isolated from out-patients, 627 (30.9%) were gram positive cocci, 24.1% were E. coli, 9.4% were Proteus spp., 9.2% were Enterococci, 8.9% were S. epidermidis, 7.0 % were K. pneumoniae, 5.7% were P. aeruginosa and the rest were others. Of the 754 strains isolated from hospitalized patients, 276 (36.6%) were gram positive cocci, 16.8% were Enterococci, 11.4% were S. epidermidis, 11.1% were P. aeruginosa, 8.8% were Proteus spp, 7.2% were E.coli, 6.5% were K.pneumoniae and the rest were others. The number of Proteus spp., P. aeruginosa and Enterococci detected in the isolates from the out-patients and that of E.coli, K. pneumoniae and Proteus spp., detected in the isolates from the in-patients were smaller than in previous reports. More non-fermentative gram-negative bacilli and S. epidermidis were detected in the isolates from both patients were than in previous years. The major isolates i.e., 9 species, from out-patients were more susceptible to the antimicrobial agents tested. The susceptibility of TC and SBPC to major isolates was lower than in previous years. During the past two years, we have been routinely using on inpatients the so-called third generation cefem antibiotics to treat urinary tract infections. This might be why the number of isolates of gram positive cocci has increased especially isolates from inpatients.
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