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当科において施行した80歳以上と80歳未満の直接効果目的BCG療法施行群の治療成績を比較した.この年齢層においてもBCG膀注は施行可能であるが,その奏効率は80歳未満の症例よりも低かったTo study the efficacy and the safety of intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) therapy for very elderly patients with superficial bladder cancer, we retrospectively compared patients over 80 years old who had received BCG therapy at our department between 1991 and 1996 (Group A; 10 patients 11 courses), with those below 80 years old (Group B, 17 patients 18 courses). In these patients, skin test reactivity to purified protein derivative showed a significant negative correlation with age (p = 0.016). No irreversible complications were observed in any patient. Persistence of acid-fast bacilli for more than one month after the termination of the course was observed in two patients in group A, and one in group B. A comparison of the cases undergoing eradicational BCG therapy in the two groups, grade 2 transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) was significantly more predominant than grade 3 TCC in group A (p = 0.004). (None of the tumors in group A were of grade 3) The disease-free rate was significantly lower in group A (p < 0.05), but 5 of the 10 patients in this group were finally disease-free. From these results, we conclude that intravesical BCG instillation therapy can be performed in patients over 80 years old, although a relatively lower disease-free rate is expected and special attention should be taken with regard to persistent BCG infection. The lower disease-free rate could be attributable to either diminished cellular immunity or a difference in tumor grade, although a definite conclusion could not be obtained here.
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- 根治的前立腺全摘除術の臨床的検討
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