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排尿障害を主訴とする37例に経尿道的前立腺電気蒸散術(TVP)を施行した.TVPは従来のTUR-Pと同様の手技で施行することができ,出血が少なく,術後早期に症状の改善が認められたTransurethral electrovaporization of prostate (TVP) is a new minimally invasive procedure to treat enlargement of prostate. From April 1996 to the end of October, TVP was carried out in 37 cases (mean age, 71.0) with symptoms of urethral obstruction. Standard transurethral resection equipment was utilized. This included a Stortz 26F resectoscope with a Conmed SABRE 2400 electrical current generator. A Stortz 3 mm Spike Electrode was used as the vaporization electrode. The average setting was 250 W for cutting and 80 to 100 W for coagulation. Efficacy parameters evaluated included International Prostate Symptom Score, peak uroflow and postvoid residual volume. By the end of January 1997, 28 cases could be followed up for more than three months after surgery and evaluated. Postvoid residual volume decreased from 68 to 10 and 17 ml at 1 and 3 months. Peak uroflow increased from 8.5 to 15.1 and 17.9 ml/sec at 1 and 3 months. All 28 cases were categorized as effectively treated cases at 1 and 3 months postoperatively. TVP was found to have several advantages, particularly minimal bleeding and the low incidence of postoperative morbidity. The technique is simple and symptoms improve at an early stage following surgery. We intend to continue longer follow up with larger numbers of patients.
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