膀胱癌に対する尿中Basic fetoprotein(BFP)およびBTA試験の臨床的検討
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1)Tl以下の膀胱癌の診断に尿中BFPは尿細胞診より有用と考えられた.2)尿中BFPを尿細胞診と併用することは,Tl以下及びG2以下の膀胱癌の診断に有用である.3)BTA試験を尿中BFP及び尿細胞診と併用することは,Tl以下及びG2以下の膀胱癌の診断に有用な可能性がある.4)尿中BFPは,膿尿及び尿路変向施行により偽陽性を示すと考えられた.5)BTA試験は,膿尿で偽陽性を示す可能性があり,また尿路変向施行により偽陽性を示すと考えられたWe compared the results of urinary basic fetoprotein (BFP) and the BTA test with those of urinary cytology in patients with bladder cancer. We also analyzed the urinary BFP and the BTA test results in patients with benign diseases and postoperative bladder cancer with no evidence of recurrence. The cutoff value for urinary BFP was set at 10 ng/ml. Classes 4 and 5 according to urinary cytology were defined as positive. The sensitivity of urinary BFP for Ta, 1 bladder cancer was significantly higher than that of urinary cytology (p < 0.05). The urinary cytology positive rate for Ta, 1 bladder cancer improved when combined with urinary BFP and the BTA test. The urinary BFP positive rate for benign diseases was significantly higher in patients with pyuria than in patients without pyuria (p < 0.05). The BTA test positive rate for benign diseases was higher in patients with pyuria than in patients without pyuria. The urinary BFP and the BTA test positive rates for postoperative bladder cancer with no evidence of recurrence was significantly higher in patients with urinary diversion than in patients without urinary diversion (BFP: p < 0.01, BTA: p < 0.05).
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