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57歳男.検診により右腎腫瘍の精査目的にて紹介された.腎腫瘍と共に指摘された左後縦隔腫瘍は切除され,神経鞘腫であることが判明した.エコーと尿路造影検査により非典型的腎嚢胞性病変が考えられ,腎部分切除により嚢胞部分を切除し,組織学的に乳頭状腺腫であると診断した.化学療法は行わず,退院後,9年を経ても再発は認めていない.嚢胞と腎細胞癌の合併例があることも知られているが,本例のような良性腫瘍だけのこともあり,慎重な対処が求められるものと考察したAn abnormal shadow in the chest of a 57-year-old male was detected during a medical checkup and careful investigation revealed a left posterior mediastinal tumor (neurinoma) and a clearly demarcated homogenous mass with dimensions of 16 x 12 mm and computed tomographic (CT) value of 79 H.U. in the superior pole of the right kidney. The content solution was sticky and blackish-green. Neoplastic degenerations of 8 x 4 and 5 x 5 mm were seen in the cyst. Partial nephrectomy, which included the cystic section, was conducted and papillary adenoma was pathologically diagnosed. Nine years after the operation, the patient is alive and neither relapse nor other abnormalities were detected.
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