- 論文の詳細を見る
An investigation has been undertaken to evaluate thermal fatigue resistance for the dissimilar welded joints under repeating thermal cycling. Four different materials were studied : 2(1/4)Cr-1Mo steel, austenitic stainless steel and these welded joints which were as welded and post heat treated of 700℃, 10 hr., F.C. The test conditions as follow : maximum temperature was varied 400℃ to 650℃, the minimum temperature was 10℃, cyclic rate was about 3c. p. m.. The following results were obtained. 1) In respect of welded joints, the thermal fatigue resistance were depended on the resistance of base metals at high temperature, that is the all welded joints were fractured within 2(1/4)Cr-1Mo steel. 2) Decarburization zone was seen in 2(1/4)Cr-1Mo site of weld bond for as welded joints which were heated than 500℃. The same decarburization occurred in the post heat treated joints, but these zone did not extend during thermal fatigue test. Therefor, this explained that the different of thermal fatigue resistance between as welded joints and post heat treated joints become smaller. 3) Thermal fatigue cracks tended to initiate and propagate preferentially in and through the decarburization zone 4) The resistance of thermal fatigue for dissimillar welded joints are strongly depended on the characteri-stics of decarburization zone.
- 津山工業高等専門学校の論文
- 1972-03-30
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