- 論文の詳細を見る
The author found the fact in 1965 that a remarkable acceleration in elongation was brought about in the internodes of the paddy rice plants, in which the ninth foliage leaf was just emerging, if they were horizontally kept with their main axes for a six-days period. This fact was repeatedly observed in the plants treated similarly in 1967, in which the eighth foliage leaf was emerging about a half-length. The phenomenon of acceleration in intercalary growth of the horizontal stem was seen on the upper side as well as the lower side of the internode concerned, and was most conspicuous in the eighth internode, i. e. the one between the seventh node and the eighth, sofar as both experimentswere concerned, with the result that the length of the internode measured along its center line extended from 4.2 to 6.2 times as longas that of the control. Besides, the geotropic bending was occurred at the base of the eighth internode. From microscopical observation on the longitudinal sections of the eighth internode, it was clearly demonstrated that pith cells in a layer showed little difference in number on both upper and lower sides in the plants horizontally kept, and amounted to nearly three times as many as those in the control. The mean length of the pith cells was twice in the former as long as that in the latter. 3-Indoleacetic acid (IAA) given to the leaf sheath right bellow the apical one in the rice plants in a normal position, which were already in the stage of intercalary growth, showing the length of 19 mm or more in some of their internodes, influences so as to accelerate the intercalary growth. In the plants in a horizontal position, nevertheless, IAA exercised an inhibiting effect rather than a stimulating on the intercalary growth. Putting these evidences together with those obtained from the horizontal treatment, it may be safe to say that unilateral stimulation of gravitational pull to rice plants brings about not only an asymmetrical distribution of natural auxins existing, but also a renewed formation of them.
- 奈良教育大学の論文
- ブタクサの性表現に関与する条件について
- 水稲体に与えたIAA-^Cの移動・分布に及ぼす重力の影響について (続報) : 茎の中位部における未代謝のIAA-^Cの分布量
- 24. セイタカアワダチソウの生育,開花及び結実に及ぼす遮光及び日長の影響
- 重力刺激が水稲茎におけるオーキシンの生合成能に及ぼす影響
- 73 ブタクサの雌性化促進に及ぼすジベレリンの影響
- 72 キク科の帰化雑草種子の発芽に及ぼす日長と温度の影響
- 71 キク科雑草の種子形成構造に関する研究 : 第1報 セイタカアワダチソウの生育,開花,結実性にみられる栄養系間の差異について
- 25. ブタクサの生育および性発現と気温および日長との関係
- 水稲の重力成形に関する作物学的研究(Ⅲ)
- 水稲の重力成形に関する作物学的研究-2-
- 水稲の重力成形に関する作物学的研究-1-
- 32 イネ科作物の発育に及ぼす重力の影響に関する研究 : 第6報 水稲体内における同化^Cの転流・分布量と主軸の方向との関係
- 24. ポットマムの開花期と品質に及ぼす生長調節物質と短日処理期間の影響
- 34 イネ科作物の発育に及ぼす重力の影響に関する研究 : 第5報 水稲稈の方向とオーキシンの生合成能力との関係
- 16 イネ科作物の発育に及ぼす重力の影響に関する研究 : 第4報 水稲に与えたIAA-^Cの移動・分布に及ぼす重力の影響
- 重力の刺激による水稲節間の異常伸長について
- 水稲体に与えたIAA-C14の移動・分布に及ぼす重力の影響について
- クンシランの花芽形成と開花に関する研究-1-花芽の形成過程について
- 水稲の出葉と葉原基分化に及ぼす重力の影響
- 禾本科作物の発育に及ぼす重力の影響に関する研究 : 第3報 重加に対する主軸の傾斜角が水稲の分けつ芽と節間の伸長に及ぼす影響について (第142回講演会)