- 論文の詳細を見る
Three series of experiments were carried out in 1979 and 1980 to ascertain the hereditary behavior of inflorescence forms in Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior and the effects of photoperiod, temperature and exogenous growth substances on the sex expression of inflorescences. 1. All the progenies in two generations from the mother plants with a monoecious standard form in which the racemes are staminate and the pistillate heads occur in leaf axils had almost the same form of inflorescence as the parents. From the mother plants with a female form in which the racemes are pistillate and with a monoecious mosaic form in which the racemes bear both staminate and pistillate heads, offsprings with these three forms of inflorescence appeared respectively with a different frequency. Although plants with the standard form were most numerous among the progenies from the female parents and the monoecious mosaic parents, the frequency in appearance of the individuals with the same form as the parents became higher in the second generation than in the first. 2. Strongly short day conditions with 20 cycles decreased conspicuously the ratio of staminate heads to pistillate heads, resulting in favour of femaleness. It was ascertained that female tendency was more promoted by 8 hours day-length than 6 hours, and in case when the short day treatment had been started at the stage of capitulum differentiation than when started at the stage of involucre formation. Though a low temperature (20-22℃) decreased the number of capitula, compared with the natural outdoor temperatures, and a high temperature (30-32℃) showed a reverse tendency, neither of them had an apparent effect on the conversion of sex expression. 3. Naphthaleneacetic acids sprayed to the whole plants with the concentration of 50 ppm and 100 ppm and gibberellin A3 with that of 100 ppm from the stage of capitulum differentiation or involucre formation showed a different effect on the sex expression of capitula in two experiments on the subject. Namely, both of the reagents promoted a female tendency in the experiment of 1979, but accelerated a reverse trend in 1980 with the exception that gibberellin supplied at the later stage caused the same tendency as in the previous year. It was suggested from the results mentioned above that more kinds of substances including auxins and gibberellins might be affected on the sex expression of inflorescences in Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior.
- 1981-11-25
- ブタクサの性表現に関与する条件について
- 水稲体に与えたIAA-^Cの移動・分布に及ぼす重力の影響について (続報) : 茎の中位部における未代謝のIAA-^Cの分布量
- 24. セイタカアワダチソウの生育,開花及び結実に及ぼす遮光及び日長の影響
- 重力刺激が水稲茎におけるオーキシンの生合成能に及ぼす影響
- 73 ブタクサの雌性化促進に及ぼすジベレリンの影響
- 72 キク科の帰化雑草種子の発芽に及ぼす日長と温度の影響
- 71 キク科雑草の種子形成構造に関する研究 : 第1報 セイタカアワダチソウの生育,開花,結実性にみられる栄養系間の差異について
- 25. ブタクサの生育および性発現と気温および日長との関係
- 水稲の重力成形に関する作物学的研究(Ⅲ)
- 水稲の重力成形に関する作物学的研究-2-
- 水稲の重力成形に関する作物学的研究-1-
- 32 イネ科作物の発育に及ぼす重力の影響に関する研究 : 第6報 水稲体内における同化^Cの転流・分布量と主軸の方向との関係
- 24. ポットマムの開花期と品質に及ぼす生長調節物質と短日処理期間の影響
- 34 イネ科作物の発育に及ぼす重力の影響に関する研究 : 第5報 水稲稈の方向とオーキシンの生合成能力との関係
- 16 イネ科作物の発育に及ぼす重力の影響に関する研究 : 第4報 水稲に与えたIAA-^Cの移動・分布に及ぼす重力の影響
- 重力の刺激による水稲節間の異常伸長について
- 水稲体に与えたIAA-C14の移動・分布に及ぼす重力の影響について
- クンシランの花芽形成と開花に関する研究-1-花芽の形成過程について
- 水稲の出葉と葉原基分化に及ぼす重力の影響
- 禾本科作物の発育に及ぼす重力の影響に関する研究 : 第3報 重加に対する主軸の傾斜角が水稲の分けつ芽と節間の伸長に及ぼす影響について (第142回講演会)