構造的に不安定なロボットの姿勢制御 -機構解析ソフトウェアを利用したシミュレーションと制御実験-
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Studies on transportation with moving robot have been performed in recent year. In case of high stature robot, it is feared to fall down when the robot accepts the object. Therefore, the unstable robot has to maintain its posture by control. For the study of posture control, we take up the inverted pendulum robot as the representative unstable robot. The robot consists of an inverted pendulum type body and two coaxial parallel wheels. This paper describes the controllability of the experimental robot manufactured for the study and new simulation method with computational mechanics program. The posture of the experimental robot is regulated by the state feedback control. And it is evident that the presented simulation method can deal with the slip between the wheel and floor. So, this simulation is very useful in investigating the posture control scheme.
- 津山工業高等専門学校の論文
- 2002-01-28
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