タヌキの膵管に寄生を認めたConcinnum ten (Yamaguchi, 1939)について
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In 1964 Nakamatsu et al. found Concinnum ten in pancreatic duct of racoon-dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides Viverrinus) grown in the country. After that Murakami et al. during 1969-1970 found Concinnum ten being parasitic to either of 3 racoon-dogs captured in Miyazaki Prefecture, Kyushu, Japan. The following report deals with some data on the worms obtained from one of these 3 racoon-dogs (Example 2) reported by Murakami et al., by taking out the worm body as in the raw state from pancreatic duct. Observations were carried on the flatten-stained specimens produced accordingly. The measurements represent the average values out of 9 specimen worms. The worm body was like a flat spindle being 2.364 mm long, 0.863 mm wide and the maximum width was found just behind the center line (equatorial line) of the body. Oral sucker was located on the median line, in the forepart of the body, the size of which (longitudinal diameter × transverse diameter, the same to be applied hereinafter) was 0.200 × 0.180 mm. Acetabulum was somewhat round and located at 1/3 forwards of the body, the size of which was 0.322 × 0.310mm. When oral sucker and acetabulum were compared with each other, on either of the specimen worms acetabulum was fairly larger (1.00 : 1.63). Pharynx was in contact with oral sucker being behind of same, the size of which was 0.083 × 0.089 mm. Esophagus was thin and 0.201 mm long. Caeca started from the end of esophagus with two branches, running along the body on both sides down to 1/3 backwards of the body. Testes was located in contact with both sides in rear of acetabulum. The size of left testes was 0.222 × 0.149 mm, and that of right testes was 0.243 × 0.153 mm, both were in oval shape, a little longer lengthwise. Sperm-ducts running out from the testes, both left and right ones, were meeting together and connected directly to cirrus pouch, which was in shape of a cylinder being located around a diverging poilt of caeca before acetabulum with a slight gradient to left or right. The size was 0.238 × 0.104 mm, the end of which was open generally at directly before the diverging point of caeca (or at just behind the diverging point) as the genital pore. Ovary was somewhat round in shape, located rear inside of testes being single, the size of which was 0.095 × 0.084 mm. Oviduct starting from ovary was connected to ootype in the Mehris's gland, which just in between also connected to receptaculum seminis or Laurer's canal. Receptaculum seminis was located behind the ovary, containing numerous spermia in it, the size of which was 0.071 × 0.075 mm. Mehris's gland was located rear inside of the ovary enclosing the ootype. The size of Mehris's gland including ootype was 0.158 × 0.130 mm. Uterus following the ootype was remarkably long and showing complicated meanders ran backward, thus once reached at the posterior part of the body again ran forward finally being open at the genital pore. The uterus contained numerous eggs inside. A matured egg was covered by rather thick shell of dark brown, and had operculum at an end of the longitudinal axis. The size of an egg (longitudinal and transverse diameter) was 54 × 35μ. The vitelline gland was a little behind the equatorial line of the worm body being distributed like a bunch of grapes, rear outside of testes on both sides. The size of it (distribution range) were 0.363 × 0.122mm at the left side and 0.347 × 0.114mm at the right side. From vitelline glands of both sides vitelline ducts were starting, being connected to vitelline receptacle. Furthermore main vitelline duct starting therefrom was connected to ootype. Excretory visicle was comparatively long, both sides of which were meeting behind the Mehris's gland, and was open at the end of the body as excretory pore. As a similar pancreatic fluke to Concinnum ten, Eurytrema procyonis is known. However, from the results of observations on purpose of identification, it was determined that the specimen worm had specificities of the genus Concinnum, upon comparison of sizes of oral sucker and acetabulum, distribution of vitelline gland as well as location of opening as the genital pore. 昭和44~45年,宮崎県下で捕獲したタヌキ3頭の膵管にConcinnum ten (Yamaguti,1939)の寄生を認めたが,そのうちの1頭(第2例)から採取した虫体は生(なま)の状態で圧扁し染色して完全な標本を作製できた. その標本について形態構造を詳しく観察し, 虫体各部の計測を行なった所見を述べるとともに, Eurytrema procyonisとの鑑別についても検討を加えた.
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