母性理念の概念的構造に関する再検討 : 母性理念質問紙と役割志向性尺度・DSQ42を用いて
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The purpose of this study was to review the conceptual structure of the idea of motherhood. Specifically, the validity of the structure was investigated by the second factor analysis of the idea of motherhood questionnaire and the correlation analysis to investigate the relation among the idea of motherhood questionnaire, Inventory of Sex-Role Orientation(ISRO) and A Japanese version of the Defense Style Questionnaire(DSQ42). According to the survey, the second factor analysis showed that the conceptual structure of the idea of motherhood is two-factor structure as well as the result of Matsushita and Murakami(2007), and the two-factor indicate 1) an aspect of accepting traditional idea of motherhood as a female nature, 2) an aspect of thinking good about that the child is their own support. That is to say, the two-factor indicate Traditional idea of motherhood and Child-dependent idea of motherhood. In the correlation analysis, the following were shown: 1) As for Traditional idea of motherhood and Sex-Role Orientation, the aspect is different, 2) It is shown the connection between Traditional idea of motherhood and Immature defense styles, 3) It is shown the connection between Child-dependent idea of motherhood and Adoptive defense styles. These results suggested that it is able to confirm the validity of the conceptual structure of the idea of motherhood in this study.
- 2009-12-25
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