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The present study aimed to clarify the iron (Fe) metabolism of a mutant strain, the Long-Evans Cinnamon (LEC) rat, that spontaneously develops acute hepatitis due to an abnormal copper (Cu) metabolism. In particular, we examined the mechanism of Fe accumulation in the liver before the onset of hepatitis. Female LEC (n=19) and Fischer rats (n=16) 11 weeks of age, were fed a Cu-deficient or Cu-supplemented diet for 4 weeks, respectively. These rats were orally intubated with 59Fe and then sacrificed 3 or 24 hr later so as to determine the ferrokinetics. Much more radioactivity of 59Fe was detected in the livers of LEC rats than in those of Fischer rats at both 3 and 24 hr. Moreover, in LEC rats, the 59Fe activity of groups fed the Cu-deficient diet was higher than that in groups fed the Cu-supplemented diet. These results could not be explained by factors such as intestinal Fe absorption, Fe transport indexes including serum transferrin-and non-transferrin-bound Fe, or the biliary Fe excretion. However, there was a significant negative correlation between the hepatic 59Fe accumulation and serum ceruloplasmin (Cp) activity. Since the LEC rat suffers from hereditary hypoceruloplasminemia, and reduced Cp activity could not sufficiently mobilize Fe from the liver, Fe appears to accumulate in the liver. Thus, we concluded that the Cp activity might be an important factor in the Fe metabolism of the LEC rat prior to hepatitis.
- 札幌医科大学の論文
- 1996-12-01
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