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本研究は、研究者らが所属する大学の学生の乳幼児に対するイメージの特徴を把握し、看護学科と他学科学生のもつイメージの比較を通じて小児看護学の教育課題の示唆を得ることを目的とした。調査対象は看護学科1年生54名、栄養学科1年生40名、社会福祉学科1年生52名および、児童学科1年生57名である。調査方法は自記式質問紙調査で、井上らが開発した子ども観のイメージ測定に有効な51組の形容詞対を使用した。調査時期は入学後間もない時期を避け、各学科の専門領域の学習が進行していない4月下旬から5月初旬をめどに実施した。分析対象は看護系学生、非看護系学生、保育系学生の3つのグループとし、因子分析(プロマックス回転)を行った。因子分析後、因子負荷量が0.4未満の項目を除去した結果、各学科で5因子34〜42項目が抽出された。看護系学生がとらえる乳幼児のイメージは、肯定的・否定的側面とともに外見的・内面的イメージの両面をとらえる傾向が示された。非看護系学生がとらえるイメージは、肯定的で外見的イメージを優先する傾向が示された。保育系学生がとらえるイメージは、内面的イメージを優先し養護の必要な庇護する存在という傾向が示された。The purpose of this study is to understand the characteristics of the perception of infants held by students at the researchers' university and to compare the image held by nursing students with students from other courses of study in order to clarify particular issues for pediatric nursing education. A total of 54 nursing, 40 nutrition science, 52 social welfare, and 57 early childhood education students, all in first year, participated in this study. The survey was conducted using the 51 pairs of adjective opposites developed Inoue et al (1985) for measuring subjects' views of children. Allowing some time for acclimatization to university life, students were asked to complete the survey in the period around the end of April to the beginning of May, before they had made any significant progress in their specialized fields of study. Results were divided into three groups-nursing students, non-nursing students and childcare-related students-and factor analysis using a promax rotation was conducted. After analysis, survey items with a factor loading lower than 0.4 were discarded,with the result that 34 ~ 42 items in 5 factors were extracted for each of the 3 groups. As a group, nursing students held both positive and negative images of infants and perceived them both by their outward appearance and their "internal"characteristics. Non-nursing students tended to hold a positive image of infants, giving priority to their outward appearance.Early childhood education students showed an inclination to view infants protectively and hold an image based more on their inward characteristics.
- 名寄市立大学の論文
- 2009-03-00
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