南部ラオスの平野部における魚類の生息場所利用と住民の漁労活動 (特集 水からみたアジア・アフリカ)
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Fish fauna, habitats of aquatic bodies, habitat use of fi shes, and local people's fi shing activities were researched in the Ban hiang River system, one branch of the Mekong River, southern Laos. Fish fauna of this area comprised 10 orders, 31 families and about 158 species. Aquatic bodies were divided into two large water areas, : permanent water areas and : temporary water areas, and habitats were classifi ed into 14 types. About 56 species of fi shes were found that clarifi ed relation between their ecology and habitat, and 12 habitat use patterns were recognized. Fishes inhabiting paddy fi elds were noteworthy in that they were not spontaneous arrivals from permanent water areas, but particular species specifi c to this habitat. A total of 26 types of fi shing gear were found in this area. Local fi shing practices are based on a sound indigenous knowledge of the ecology of fi shes. There were some differences in sex and age among fi shing gear users related with safety, distance from village and so on. The implications of expansion of irrigation and aquaculture toward aquatic resources management system were discussed.
- 京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科の論文
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- 南部ラオスの平野部における魚類の生息場所利用と住民の漁労活動 (特集 水からみたアジア・アフリカ)
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