A Study on Foot-sole of Children and Students in Okinawa ... Appearance of plantar arch and hallux angle in the growth phenomenon and its significance ...
- 論文の詳細を見る
In Ie village of Okinawa Prefecture we collected foot-sole replicas of children and students aged between 6 and 15 years for measurement and analysis and studied the growth of the foot-sole and significance of appearance of the plantar arch and hallux angle. The rate of the plantar arch formed, width of the sole, width of the heel and the size of the hallux angle were closely related to the difference in the process of growth between boys and girls.The delay in formation of the plantar arch is thought to be due to the delay in the phenomenon of ossification and insufficient practice of walking movement. Thus, formation of the plantar arch was considered important in examining the growth of the foot. The time for the hallux angle to be formed is closely related to completion of the 3-dimensional structure of the foot in the horizontal direction and an increase in the body weight.Particularly in girls, the hallux angle is formed at a time when the growth of the 3-dimensional structure of the foot and improvement in physical condition are ill-balanced.Therefore, the hallux angle was considered important in examining the way the burden of the 3-dimensional structure of the foot is borne and the abnormality in the way of walking.
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