- 論文の詳細を見る
A data analysis was couducted to examine the effectiveness of the introduction of c-histograms into hydrologic frequency analysis, in vlew of the fact that no maximum entropy distribution may in some cases exist over the range O≦x(random variate)<∞. The initiation of this study was based on the characteristic of the c-histogram that it is the most objective distribution obtainable from given information and appropriate for hydrologic frequency analysis on a small number of data. The applicability of c-histograms containing statistical moments as information was examined by using daily, monthly, and annual maximum daily precipitation data and compared with that of the maximum entropy distribution with the same information when available. It has proved that c-histograms containing the following pieces of information are practically equal to respective precipitaion histogroms in the sense of hydrologic statistics: (1) 3-moment fit with 20 or 30 blocks for daily precipitations at the Fukushima aHd Yabuhara Rain-Gauge Stations; (2) 4-moment fit with 28 blocks for monthly precipitations at the Nagano Rain-Gauge Station; and (3) 3-moment fit with 30 blocks for annual maximum daily precipitations at the Nagano and Matumoto Rain-Gauge Staitions.
- 信州大学工学部の論文
- 1989-02-28
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