攻撃の置き換え傾向とTDA パラダイムにおける攻撃評定の関連
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Present study elaborated measuring capability of Japanese version of the Displaced Aggression Questionnaire (Tanno, 2008) in 3 studies. Study 1 conducted reversekeyed items of the measure and examined correlation between normal items and reversekeyed items. Significant negative correlation indicated that acquiescence bias of the measure was low. Study 2 added samples to data collection of Tanno (2008) and examined factor structure of the measure. Samples were university and technical college students (N=1496, age range: 18-24). Factor analyses indentified 3 factors in the 31-item structure (α=.93): angry rumination (α=.91), revenge planning (α=.92), and general tendency to engage in displaced aggression (α=.92). The structure was the same as those of Denson, Pedersen, & Miller (2006) and Tanno (2008). Study 3 examined relation between the measure and aggressive responding in hypothetical situation of triggered displaced aggression paradigm. Result indicated positive correlation between the measure and aggressive responding. Finally, further research tasks of Japanese version of the Displaced Aggression Questionnaire were discussed.
- 2008-12-26
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