Multiplex PCR using internal transcribed spacer 1 and 2 regions for rapid detection and identification of yeast strains
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Multiplex PCR amplification followed by either agarose gel electrophoresis (PCR-AGE) or microchip electrophoresis (PCR-ME) was used to test a total of 120 fungal strains. The internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) and ITS2 regions and the 5.8S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) region of the fungi were amplified by using universal primers ITS1 and ITS4. The ITS2 region was simultaneously amplified by using universal primers ITS3 and ITS4. Since Trichosporon asahi and T. asteroides showed similar lengths for two amplicons, 29 different gel patterns were demonstrated for 30 yeast species tested on the basis of differences in the lengths of one or two amplicons. Of 75 yeast isolates from clinical materials, 5 isolates (6.8%) which were incompletely identified or not identified by the phenotypic method were identified with our PCR-based method (2 isolates as Candida guilliermondii, 2 as C. krusei, and 1 as C. zeylanoides). No differences in discriminating power or sensitivity were observed between the PCR-AGE method and the PCR-ME method. These methods, prospectively applied to 24 yeast-positive blood culture bottles (16 patients), resulted in the correct detection of 24 yeast strains. In conclusion, multiplex PCR followed by electrophoresis seems to be a promising tool for the rapid identification of common and uncommon yeast strains from culture colonies and from yeast-positive blood culture bottles (5.5 h for the PCR-AGE method and 3 h for the PCR-ME method).
- American Society for Microbiologyの論文
- 2001-00-00
橋本 琢磨
橋本 琢磨
橋本 琢磨
Hashimoto Takuma
Department Of Laboratory Medicine Kanazawa University School Of Medicine
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