告知に関する死生観の比較研究 : 韓国人学生と日本人学生の場合
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This study compared thanatology between Korea and Japan by consciousness survey regarding truth-telling on students in Korea (Seoul) and Japan (Fukuoka) from December 4 to December 25, 2006. We investigated ideal care of the patient and their family required in terminal care as well as disclosure of medical information, "living will" and "advanced directives". As a result of this survey , 38% of Korean subjects, 87% of Japanese 92.78% of German subjects desired truth-telling to themselves and their family (Maruyama2000). To clarify the tendency of thanatology, 5 factors : right, preparation, family, self-determination, and confidence, were investigated in subjects who desired truth-telling, while factors, not desiring to watch being watch, after being watched, are, and consideration, Were investigated in subjects who did not desire truth telling. For those subjects who did not desire truth telling, five factors were investigated; not desiring to be watched. However, the percentages of subjects who desired truth-telling to themselves but not to their families were 55% in Korea and 4% in Japan (Fig.1). The following reasons were common between the two countries: they do not want to see their family give trouble. Although there were big difference in the results, the reason given by the subjects were strikingly common. Both subjects responded that they do not want to give trouble and suffering to their families. Although it has been generally regarded that East Asian countries share a 'common culture', this research revealed the different attitudes in facing truth-telling in two countries. Our understanding of the "life and death" issues should be deepened and enriched through further empirical research which encompasses national boundaries. Only through rigorous collaborative research among the scholars in East Asia, We would be able to develop mutual understanding and solutions to our common problems.
- 九州大学アジア総合政策センター,Kyushu University Asia Centerの論文
- 2007-09-28
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- 告知に関する死生観の比較研究 : 韓国人学生と日本人学生の場合
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