- 論文の詳細を見る
In this paper, it was investigated on the changes of the hardness of tomato fruits sprayed with metiram, zineb, triazine and Bordeaux mixture in 1967-69. These chemicals were generally applied to disease control of early and late blight of tomato in Japan. The effect of spraying on the blight of tomato plants was variable with the exception of Bordeaux mixture being stable in its effectiveness for three years. Maturing periods of fruits sprayed with zineb and triazine were relatively earlier than Bordeaux mixture, but prolonged with metiram as compared with other chemicals. The hardness of the sarcocarp of matured fruits was measured with the method sticking a needle into tissues. In contrast with zineb and triazine treatments, the hard fruits resistant to sticking a needle were obtained from tomato plants treated with metiram and Bordeaux mixture. Since the hardness of fruits was affected with pectic enzymes in the tissues and calcium in the cell walls, pectin methylesterase (PME), Polygalacturonase (PG) activities and Ca contents were determined. PME and PG activities were higher in fruits obtained from zineb and triazine spraying than from metiram and Bordeaux mixture spraying, but calcium contents were inversely proportionate to PME and PG activities. Activities of PME bounded to the cell walls prepared from tissues were similar among the each treatments.
- 信州大学農学部の論文
- 1973-06-00
- 土壌粉体付着が植物の生理生態におよぼす影響
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