- 論文の詳細を見る
1. The storage desease of the onion bulbs infected with Botrytis allii shows symptoms of neck rot, onter scale rot, basal rot, and internal scale rot. 2. This fungi gains an entrance through mechanical and insect injuries of the epidermis and the healthy epidermis by the formation of small masses of hyphae. The penetration to the inner scales from the outer scales takes place by hyphal strands, or by the formation of masses of hyphae on the inner scales. The hyphae in tissues exists in the cells, cell walls and intercellular spaces. 3. The detection of cell wall materials shows a degradation and a disappearance of pectic substances in the infected tissues. 4. The infected tissues are divided into the dead tissue invaded with hyphae, the dead tissue and the affected tissue surrounding the dead cells. In an early stage of the death of the affected cells, a disorganization of the protoplasmic strands followed by an aggregation of the protoplast near the cell wall or surrounding the nucleus is observed. 5. Parallel with these changes the vacuole contracts, splits, and vanishes out of sight. The cessation of the protoplasmic streaming occurs and the protoplast gelatinizes with cell death. 6. The concentration of the incipient plasmolysis with sugar solution is 0.38M in healthy cells and 0.37M in affected cells. The concentration of the protoplast slightly lowers in the affected cells. 7. The normal healthy tissue has a mildly acid reaction, pH 6.4, while there is a strongly acid reaction for the affected tissue, pH 4.8 and the dead tissue, pH 4.0. 8. The extract from the infected tissues contains toxic substances which are labile to heat.
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