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1983年に三重大学水産学部附属水産実験所において水槽内自然産卵させたイサキ卵を約1年間飼育し,卵から若魚までの外部形態形成過程を観察し,次のような結果を得た。1.授精卵は球形で卵楼ほ0.78mm~0.85mm,卵黄は無色で表面に亀裂があった。油球は単一であった。2.授精後40分で第1細胞分裂がおこり,28~30時間後に孵化が始まった。3.孵化仔魚ほ全長1.50~1.65mmで,3日後に卵瀦を収収し,開口した(全長2.71~2.80mm)。全長約5.5mmで脊索末端が屈曲し始めた。全長約12mmで鰭条総数が定数に達し,稚魚になった。全長約35mmで体が完全に被鱗し,若魚になった。4.前期仔魚の特徴は,油球が卵黄後下方に位置すること,肛門が卵黄から離れていていること,膜鰭縁辺に黄色素が発達することなどであった。5.前屈曲期から後屈曲期仔魚の特徴は,全体に黒色素が少ないこと,後関節骨-方骨関節部や肛門直前の膜鰭に塊状黒色素があることなどであった。6.本種特有の暗色縦帯は稚魚期に形成され始め,若魚期に完成した。この縦帯は人工種苗の方が天然稚魚よりも小さい体長で形成された。7.前記の特徴によって,本種の仔稚魚は同一科内のコロダイやコショウダイ,セトデイなどとかなり明瞭に区別できると考えた。8.本種の仔稚魚は同一亜科のコショウダイ属魚類よりもむしろ HaemulinaeのHaemulon plumieri やOrthopristis chrysoptera などとよく類似していた。The eggs, larvae,juveniles and young of threeline grunt,Parapristipoma trilineatum(Pisces: Haemulidae) are described based on specimens reared in the Fisheries Research Laboratory,Mie University from fertilized eggs spawned in tank in June 1983.Fertilized eggs, measuring 0.78-0.85 in diameter, were bouyant, spherical,and transparent.Yolk was segmented partly and contained a single oil globule. Hatching occurred 28 to 30h after spawning when incubation temperatures ranged from 20.5 to 21.5℃. Total lengths of newly hatched larvae ranged from 1.50 to 1.65mm. In yolk-sac larvae, a single oil globule rested on infra-posterior portion of yolk sac,anus opened away from yolk, and xanthophores developed on the dorsal and anal margins of finfold. Yolk and oil globule completely absorbed three or four days after hatching,and the larvae become preflexion stage. Notochord flexed in specimens of ca. 5.5mm in total length(TL),19 days after hatching. Number of finrays completed in speciments of ca. 12mm TL, and they became juveniles.Scales appeared in speciments of ca. 16mm TL. Squamation was almost finished in speciments of ca. 35mm TL, and they changed to young. Specific longuitudinal bands were started to form in juveniles and completed in young. The bands appeared in smaller speciments of reared juveniles than those of wild ones.The larvae and juveniles of this species resemble those of Haemulon pulmieriand Orthopristis chrysoptera rather than those of Plectorhynchus pictus and P.cinclus.
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