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1978年3月から1980年12月までの期間に熊野灘沿岸で採集したムツ577個体を供試材料として使月し,この海域における本種の食性,特に餌料生物種組成,摂餌量および餌料生物の大きさの成長にともなう変化について検討した。その結果,次のような知見が得られた。体長40mmまでの稚魚は,よこいそ橈脚類や十脚類の幼生などを主食とした動物プランクトン食性である。この時期は,餌料の大きさは小さく,摂餌量指数も低い。体長40~50mmになると,主餌料はイワシ類シラス期仔魚になり,食性が大きく変化する。 この食性変化によって,餌料の大きさや摂餌量指数は急激に大きくなる。体長50mm以上になると,ムツはほぼ完全な魚食性となり,体長180mm前後までほキビナゴを主としたイワシ類を主食にしている。体長180mm以上になると,イワシ類を捕食する割合は減少し,ネンブツダイなどが増加する。摂餌量指数の上限値は体長70mm前後でピークに達し,その後ムツの成長にともなって減少する。餌料生物大きさの上限値は,ムツの成長にともなって増大し続けるが,捕食者の体長に対する相対値αはムツの体長70mm前後で極大になり,その後低下する。The present report deals with the feeding habit of Scombrops boops (Pisces : Scombropidae), with particular reference to sequential changes of species composition of prey animals, relative quantity of food, and size of prey with growth of the predator, based on 577 individuals taken from coastal areas of Kumao-nada, Mie Prefecture, from March 1978 to December 1980. The juveniles to 40 mm in standard length fed mainly on planktonic crustaceans, e. g. copepods and larvae of decapods. The size of prey for the juveniles was much smaller than that of the predator. As the fish grew between 40 and 50 mm in length, its main food converted into clupeoid larvae (white bait) from planktonic crustaceans. The size of prey and feeding activity increased abruptly and discontinuously due to the conversion of prey. Clupeoid larvae played an important role as intermediate prey animal between planktonic crustaceans and fishes. In the fish above 50 mm in length, it became a typical fish- eater, and its major food was converted to young and adult clupeoid fishes e. g. Spratelloides gracilis, Etrumeus teres, Engraulis japonicus, and Sardinops melanostictus. As the predator grew above 180 mm in lenght, weight percentage of clupeoid fishes in the stomach content of the predator was reduced, and that of other fishes, e. g. apogonids, was increased. The intense feeding activity appeared in the size classes between 50 and 70 mm in length, then the activity decreased with growth of the predator. Maximum size of prey animal became larger with growth of the predator, but αmax ( =PLmax / L ; L, length of preadator ; PLmax, maximum size of prey) was declined with growth in the size classes larger than about 70 mm in length.
- 1982-10-01
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