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妊娠による母体免疫系変化の一端を知る目的で,非妊時,妊娠初期,妊娠中期,妊娠後期,産褥1日および産褥1ケ月に採血を行い,モノクローナル抗体(OKT3,OKT4,OKT8,OKB7,Leu-7およびLeu-11a)を用い,フロー・サイトメトリー(Ortho Spectrum Ⅲ)により,リンパ球のsubpopulationおよびそのsubsetの陽性率を算出した.そして,各時期における陽性率の変化を比較検討した.T細胞およびB細胞の陽性率は妊娠初期から産褥1ケ月に至るまで著変を認めなかった.NK細胞の陽性率も,非妊時と比較するといずれの時期も有意な変化ではなかった.しかし,NK細胞の相対数は妊娠経過と共に減少し,産褥1日になるとリバウンド的に増加するという興味ある変化を示した.In order to elucidate the change of maternal immune system during normal pregancy, peripheral blood lymphocyte subpopulations and their subsets were evaluated by monoclonal antibodies to the following cell antigens : OK T 3 (total T cells). OKT4 (helper/inducer T cells), OKT 8 (suppressor/cytotoxic T cells), OKB 7 (B cells). Leu-7 (NK cells) and Leu-11a (NK cells). The percentages of the cells reacting with the monoclonal antibodies were enumerated by flow cytometric analyses. The study groups included thirty-five normal pregnant women in various stages (eight in the first trimester, ten in the second trimester and seventeen in the third trimester) and thirty-six normal postpartum women (seventeen in the first day and nineteen in the first month). Seven healthy adult female volunteers were used as controls for the pregnant women or postpartum women. The percentages of all the lymphocyte subpopulations and their subsets did not differ significantly from non-pregnant controls throughout pregnancy or postpartuln. Furthermore, OKT4/OKT8 ratio and OKT3/OKB7 ratio did not change significantly in comparing non-pregnant controls with pregnant women or postpartum women. The percentages of OKT3+ cells, OKT4+ cells, OKT8+ cells and OKB7+ cells had no remarkable changes throughout pregnacy and postpartum. The percentages of Leu-7+ cells and Leu-11a+ cells were found to increase slightly until first trimester, to decrease from the second trimester to the third trimester, and to re-increase after delivery. Comparing non-pregnant controls with pregnant women or postpartum women, the difference were not singnificant, but it was interested that the relative numbers of NK cells increased during labor. It is suggested that the numbers of T cells and B cells do not change remarkably throughout pregnancy and postpartum, but the numbers of NK cells change noticeably during labor.
- 1988-03-31
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