- 論文の詳細を見る
Widespread concern had been expressed over the roles of teacher education inpromoting the quality of national education in terms of students' academic performance,and/or of their individual holistic development. Education in Nordic countries withtraditional school culture dominated by an egalitarian philosophy, had attracted peoples'attention by their unique but different approaches in their educational practices andtheories. This article focuses mainly on Denmark and Finland and attempts to analyzethe features of teacher education systems underlying their educational atmosphere andstructures of both the countries. By juxtaposing the school curricula, deployment andsalary system, and career route of teachers, the paper draws similarities and differencesfound in the two systems. Discussion then will be extended to the merits and shortfallsof the systems and the direction of educational reforms undertaken by both thecountries from a comparative perspective.
- 2008-03-31
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