台湾総督府学務部の人的構成について : 国家教育社との関係に着目して
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This paper researched the education plan of the Education Bureau of the Government General in Taiwan during the colonial period. The purpose was to define the characteristics of the constitution of the Education Bureau 1895-1896. This paper examined the bureaucratic organization of the Education Bureau during this period, and also the relationship between the bureau and the Society for National Education (Kokka Kyouiku Sha) in the 1890's. The Society of National Education is the nationwide group for educators, which was formed in 1890. After the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War, this society not only made a suggestion about the education plan in Taiwan but also sent some members to Taiwan, including 19awa Shuji. He was the President for the society and the chief of the bureau. Therefore, it is important to explore the connection between the bureau and the society. This paper reveals how the education problems in mainland Japan in 1890's influenced the education plan in colonial Taiwan.
- 2008-03-31
- 台湾総督府学務部の人的構成について : 国家教育社との関係に着目して
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