大学研究者のキャリア発達に及ぼす対人関係の効果 : ジェンダーと専門領域による差異の検討
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From a gender perspective,this research exmined the inconsistencies between the social support networks which contribute to the career development as a university researcher. It appears that the structure of the network for women researchersis more varied than that of men because women researchers,as a minority, do not receive enough support from members of their own institution to develop their career. We have analyzed the responses of 236 successful university researchers obtained through a mail survey. Successful men were mainly supported by members of their home institution. However,Successful women actively constructed social support netwofks comprising not only members of their alma mater but also researchers in other national and/or international universities. In particular, it is suggested that female researchers constructed their networks with male researchers who offered the necessary instrumental support to develop their careers. Furthermore, our research was also extended to examin differences of the network across different fields.
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