Probabilistic Operation of Electric Power Systems Considering Environmental Constraint (Part 13)* -A Practical Satisfaction of the Constraint-
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The optimum start stop scheduling method is reported considering the constraints of both environmental pollution and the probability of power supply, because big and inflexible power stations are being built in spite of load increase and bad load factor of the power system. The proposed method controls the output power of two thermal stations so as to satisfy the line capacities and to make a schedule rapidly although the estimated schedule may not be strictly economical. The emission from each thermal station is controlled only when the whole system state is completely up in order to avoid huge estimations. If the power supply must be stopped to reduce the emission, then it is practically done only when the system includes some down elements. It is shown that the influence of the state probability is sufficiently little by variation of the length of the off service period of the thermal station and that the multistage choice process can be used. The usefulness of this method is concretely shown by estimating the optimum schedule of a model system. The estimating error is investigated by comparing results.
- 北見工業大学の論文
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