学校教育における公正性と卓越性の両立 : オーストラリアの才能教育の事例から
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The aim of this paper is to consider how the Australian education system simultaneously pursues both `excellence'and `equity'in the field ofeducation for the gifted and talented. These two key words,`excellence'and `equity',are taken from one of the national goals of education in Australia, and are what modern school education in general continues to aim at realizing. To achieve this aim, we analyzed the history and current situation of education for the gifted and talented in New South Wales (NSW), Australia. NSW has been one of the leading states in this field, and we selected some primary schools within the Sydney metropolitan region, in particular, to examine their practices. To achieve `excellence', the NSW state government has established over 70 courses (opportunity classes; OCs) for gifted students in primary schools, and prepared some selected high schools to educate, mainly, the students who complete the OCs. However, according to statistical data, we found that there are both geographic and ethnic`inequities'in the OCs. This means that most of these classes have been established in schools close to the metropolitan area, and over half of the students who attend these classes have a non-English speaking, particularly Asian, background. The OCs are for academically advanced students, and it is easy to relate the parents' interests and attitudes to their children's education. From an `equity' perspective, it is essential to open the door to education for the gifted and talented education to all;however, it mostly depends on the parents' and students' motivations with regard to education as to whether the open door is chosen and education for the gifted and talented becomes a reality. This paper analyzes the struggles associated with the implementation of the state plan for education for the gifted and talented.
- 藤女子大学の論文
- 2014-03-31
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