国際化へ対応する教育政策の特質(II 課題論文II「臨教審以後の教育政策」)
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The National Council on Educational Reform suggested that Japan had already attained the level of developed and highly industrialized countries such as European countries and the United States, and would henceforth be required to contribute to the peace and prosperity of mankind and to the solution of global problems. It followed that mutual understanding among different cultures had become a necessary and indispensable part of Japanese education. In order to bring about the realization of education for an international society, the National Council proposed a number of themes, namely "Japanese in world society", the international contribution of education and educational institutions open to the world. "Japanese in world society" denotes the ideal image of Japanese who understand the traditional culture of Japan and at the same time appreciate the values of different kinds of cultures throughout the world. The development of economic links with overseas countries has increased the opportunities for international contact both for residents of Japan and for people living overseas, while at the same time raising the possibility of cultural friction caused by contact with people with different cultural backgrounds. Hence there is a need for Japan to make greater contributions in educational and cultural fields with the aim of avoiding misunderstandings and conflicts. In addition, as well as acceptance by educational institutions of children and adults with different cultural backgrounds, Japanese education itself must become more internationally oriented and multicultural in its recognition of the existence of different cultures. With the advent of the 1990s, the Japanese Government has promoted educational reforms aimed at internationalization following the recommendations of the National Council on Educational Reform. The government policies are aimed at finding a positive solution to the fundamental problems which have been criticized in the past. For example, the revised Courses of Study emphasize international understanding and international communication, the government has established a "Plan to accept 100,000 foreign students by the 21st century" and in the first half of the period has made significant progress, and Japanese children who have returned to Japan after periods of living overseas are being used as "resource persons" to help in education for international understanding in schools. However, in recent years, the fundamental character of educational reforms aimed at responding to internationalization has become colored by response to political and economic changes, and one can see an emphasis on Japan's "great power" status and the emergence of a new nationalism. It is precisely because Japan has become a "great power" in global terms that international contributions are being demanded of Japan. Nationalism is considered to be a necessary condition for cosmopolitanism. It is felt that those Japanese who do not appreciate the significance of Japanese traditions and culture, 'Hinomaru' (the Japanese flag) and 'Kimigayo' (the Japanese national anthem) will not be able to respect the national flag, the national anthem or the culture of other countries. These policies show that education in the new context of internationalization has made a clean sweep of all the influences of educational reforms introduced after World War II. It should also be noted that a situation has been created where it is difficult to point out contradictions between the educational intentions of the government and those of individual citizens. Indeed, the government is trying to elicit the cooperation of individual citizens through the formation of national movements.
- 日本教育政策学会の論文
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