ヒメツリガネゴケ : 植物ホルモン,分化,そして進化 : 総説
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The moss, Physcomitrella patens subsp. patens has been used as an excellent model to study molecular mechanisms of development regulated by plant hormones for the following reasons. (1) The same kinds of plant hormones found in higher plants, such as auxin and cytokinin, also have distinct effects on the moss development, (2) the developmental processes caused by the plant hormones can be easily observed at the cellular level, and (3) the techniques for genetics and molecular biology including the gene targeting technique are well established. In this review, we summarize previous physiological and molecular biological studies on plant hormones in P. patens, and introduce the gene tagging and gene/enhancer trap systems we recently established. Comparisons of developmental mechanisms between the moss and other plants will give evolutionary insights in the future.
- 日本蘚苔類学会の論文
西山 智明
長谷部 光泰
日渡 祐二
基礎生物学研究所:(現)Aberystwyth University
西山 智明
長谷部 光泰
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- ヒメツリガネゴケ : 植物ホルモン, 分化, そして進化 : 総説
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- ヒメツリガネゴケ : 植物ホルモン,分化,そして進化 : 総説