S132024 高菜自動揉み機の開発([S13202]先端加工技術(2))
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In former report, we developed the first proto-type kneading machine and carried out trial run. And, compared with hand kneading by three evaluation method, we found machine kneads with too much force by meaning of the volume of out coming juice and observation of brokendown cells. Therefore, so as to decrease kneading force, improvement of the program was carried out to decrease the influence of machine inertia. However, the first proto-type drives the rollers by motor, which produced a shear force between the leaf and the rollers. So, it gives the damage to the leaves and stems even if the kneading force is low. Therefore, we developed the second proto-type based on the problems of the first proto-type. In order to eliminate excessive shear forces, the second proto-type employs the passively rotating roller. As a result of the evaluation, we found the second proto-type almost can reproduce the effects of hand kneading.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2011-09-11
- 高菜自動揉み機の開発
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