S055033 プラズマアクチュエータにおけるイオン輸送の数値シミュレーション([S05503]流れの抵抗低減(3))
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A dielectric barrier discharge, operating at kHz and kV condition, can generate isothermal plasma and induce wall-jet-like fluid flow. It can serve as an aerodynamic actuator, and has advantage of no moving parts. It is called plasma actuator. In order to better understand the mechanism of the momentum coupling between the plasma and fluid flow, both computational modeling and experimental information are presented. In the present study, we numerically investigate how charged particle behaves when the bias is put on the driving voltage. In order to simulate the ion transport, the continuous fluid model is adopted. The fluid model can consider the reaction between the electron and the ion. From the result of numerical simulation, we investigate the effect of bias on the induced force.
- 2011-09-11
- プラズマアクチュエータの基礎と研究動向(熱くない!?熱い!!プラズマアクチュエータ)
- 特集の企画にあたって(熱くない!?熱い!!プラズマアクチュエータ)
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