- 論文の詳細を見る
Unit developed: As a part of the curriculum HUMAN BEING, integrated unit THE BIRTH OF HUMANITY was developed. It was consisted of NHK-TV program HUMAN FAMILY Birth of the Baby, other programs for adults, OHP-materials, photographs, and books for children of 4-7 grades. The objects of this unit were to make students (1)feel the divinity and dignity of the birth of human life, and appreciate the precious value of human growth, (2)feel the strength of relationship between mother and child by learning MOTHER CHILD INTERACTION PHENOMENA and appreciate this relationship as an indispensable condition for the birth of humanity, (3) be grateful and sympathetic to one's own mother, family, and friends. Objects of the study: To develop several methods of evaluation of affective and value-oriented objectives in learning. Method and results: Two classes of 4 th graders and a class of 7 th graders learned this unit under the instructions of their homeroom teachers who were the members of writers. Each class spent 4 or 5 school hours for the unit. These classes finished the unit during two months, Feb. and Mar. in 1986. To measure the changes of children in affective and value-oriented dimension, several methods were adopted or invented. (1) All of the classroom interactions in learning the unit were recorded on video-tapes, coded, and analysed along the affective and value-oriented dimension. (2) As a tool, Affective and Value-Oriented Category System (AVOCS) was developed under the reference of N, Flanders' and other counselor's category systems. The characteristic categories of AVOCS were followings. (a) categories asking affective and value-oriented responses including PROVOKE, REQUEST AGREEMENT, REQUEST SYMPATHY. (b) categories accepting affirmatively, CONTACT, REFLECT, AGREE, SYMPATHY. (c) categories rejecting others, NEGLECT, RESIST, CRITICIZE, DENY, REFUSE. (3) AVOCS revealed the fact that teaching and learning processes of three classes were nearly identical and permissive. But the analysis of sequences found the subtle difference in strategies of argument in three classes. (4) At the same time, every verbal move was classified into five levels settled by B, Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives, affective domain. The application of Bloom's five levels to verbal classroom interaction seemed to be possible and effective. (5) In several cases of pupils, all of the data mentioned in this and former article were synthesized and characteristics of each case were deliberately depicted.
- 日本教育メディア学会の論文
- 1987-05-31
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