P15 スコロダイト生成過程における超音波の利用(Poster Session)
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Scrodite has been researched as a storage material of arsenic. However, scorodite is synthesized at high temperature conditions (> 90℃ solution). The objective of our study is the application of ultrasound irradiation for scorodite synthesis processes to synthesize scorodite at low temperature. The solution was irradiated using 200 kHz ultrasound for 1 h. The synthesis conditions of scorodite using ultrasound irradiation are 70℃ of the solution, 20 g/L of the arsenic concentration and 2.00 of the pH value. From the SEM images, the particle size of ultrasound synthesis (10 μm) is larger than that of stirring synthesis (5 μm). Scorodite was successfully synthesized as large size particles using ultrasound irradiation.
- 日本ソノケミストリー学会の論文
- 2012-11-09
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