11 「福祉国家」の射程 : 20世紀の世界的経験の総括と21世紀への転換(「福祉国家」の射程)
- 論文の詳細を見る
First, this paper clarifies the signification of the common theme in the 101st Conference of the Japanese Society of Social Policy: A Scope of the <Welfare State>. Secondly, as one of the two chairmen of this common theme session, I indicate the main points of its six communications and put up some questions about them. Lastly, through this review I attempt to elucidate a scope of the <Welfare State> which cannot be reduced to simple state welfare and consists of <mixed economy of welfare> proper to each country. Therefore, the <Welfare State> 'entre guillemets' means a <Welfare-state Regime> that has been developed throughout the 20th century, particularly after the Second World War and as a product of social policy. It is certainly necessary to emphasize the role of the State in this regime, but a variety of intermediary organizations nearer to citizen can and must shoulder the responsibility of welfare in the civil society. Hence, a scope of the <Welfare State> should be considered from the viewpoint of its essential mission that is to boost the sense of solidarity and communality in the citizen so far as it will be reabsorbed by the civil society.
- 社会政策学会の論文
- 2001-10-30
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- 高田実・中野智世編著, 『福祉』, ミネルヴァ書房, 2012年, x+373+25頁
- 11 「福祉国家」の射程 : 20世紀の世界的経験の総括と21世紀への転換(「福祉国家」の射程)