- 論文の詳細を見る
The Great Depression in the 1930s constitutes a crucial turning point in the history of state intervention in France. It is particularly important that this intervention took place not during wartime as in the First World War, but during peacetime, and would therefore be mostly continued after the Second World War. This article aims to clarify the situation under which the transformation of French social and economic thought took place, especially concerning state intervention, taking the crises of the 1930s as turning point. For this purpose, it examines the points of view of the main French trade union (CGT) and the planistes who advocated structural reform of capitalist society. Also investigated are the opinions of the X-Crise, a kind of brain trust, which consisted mainly of the old boys of l'Ecole Polytechnique, a prestigious French school of the natural and social sciences. The majority of this group was in favor of a managed economy, yet by the end of 1930s even the liberal minority had shifted to support some kind of liberal intervention. Additionally, this article tries to elucidate the problems of the social insurance and family allowance systems that were implemented for the first time in the 1930s as provided for in the law. Particularly it was employers themselves, who had in the 1920s voluntarily founded a system of compensation funds (caisse de compensation) to provide family allowances, who were obliged, after the outbreak of economic crisis, to call for state intervention in order to universalize this system. In this way state intervention for the expansion of purchasing power and mass consumption was realized through the provision of social insurance and family allowances, shaping the foundation of the French welfare state after the Second World War.
- 2010-04-30
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