237 動脈網モデルによる脈波伝播シミュレーション
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In recent years, arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease becomes a serious problem in the developed countries, and the degree of the arteriosclerosis should be examined routinely and invasively. The measurement of the pulse wave is considered as an effective estimation method, but the propagation mechanism of pulse wave remains to be elucidated. In this research, to investigate the mechanism, numerical simulations by a dynamic model of arteries were conducted, focusing on the effect of arterial bifurcation. As a dynamic model of arterial system, arterial tree model was used. In this model, a one-dimensional model of each artery is coupled by partial differential equations describing mass and momentum conservation with the tube law that relates the local cross-sectional area to the local radial pressure difference. From the numerical results, following things were found. Firstly, two characteristic waves exist in pulse wave. Secondly, by analyzing the waveform of Accelerated Plethysmography (APG), clinical APG indices have a correlation with the degree of the arteriosclerosis.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2011-09-05
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