2C1-5 視聴覚コンテンツに関する臨場感の推定モデルの構築(知的インタフェース)
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The term 'presence' is widely used to express the performances of audio-visual content and systems. Many advanced audio-visual systems for the perception of a higher degree of presence have been proposed. However, methodologies for evaluating the sense of presence derived from these systems also play an important role in the further evolution of content and systems. This paper describes the construction of models that quantitatively evaluate the degree of presence in audio-visual content. Subjective evaluation experiments were conducted to investigate the relationship between audio-visual features and the perceived sense of presence using 40 different types of content. On the basis of evaluation scores and extracted audio-visual features, models were separately constructed for audio, visual and audio-visual content using neural networks. The performance tests of the constructed models demonstrated sufficient accuracy in estimating the sense of presence and statistically significant correlations between the model output and the subjective evaluation scores.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2011-09-01
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