キャリア教育政策における省庁間の連携 : 『若者自立・挑戦プラン』と関係省庁間の総合調整に着目して(IV 投稿論文)
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Recently, in Japan, the number of opportunities to see the term 'career education' has increased more and more. Looking at the policy making process of 'career education', we can find that several ministries-MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Science Technology), MHLW (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare), METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) and so on- build co-operation. This paper describes the detail of this ministerial co-operation on policy making process of 'career education' in contemporary Japan and the background of enabling those ministries to build co-operation, by making use of the viewpoint of 'Ministerial Integrated Co-ordination System'. In the year 2001, the Cabinet Office was established and the function of improving ministerial co-operation was given to it. However, concerning the policy making process of 'career education' in contemporary Japan, the background of this ministerial co-operation was the recognition of each ministry about the social condition of the employment of young people at that time. This paper shows this by focusing on the policy document called 'The Plan for Young People to Stand and Challenge by Themselves' and using the data of interviews with policymakers in each of the ministries.
- 日本教育政策学会の論文
- 2011-07-15
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