少子化をめぐる家族政策 : 家族はなぜ批判されるのか(I <特集1>人口変動と教育政策)
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Since the 1970's, family policy has begun to criticize families. It says that it's the parents' responsibility to bring up and educate their children, but they can not discipline their children properly because increasing nuclear families and declining birth rates spoiled the function of education at home. The policy requests parents to meet parents' obligation to their children and to spend more money for education. Then parents need to pay more expensive tuition to college or university. The policy also says that a chief factor in juvenile delinquency or bad behavior of young people is no longer poverty nor society, but parent's attitude toward their children and educational methods. Therefore, the policy has ignored the problems of poverty and social class. The measures to increase birthrate also emphasize parents' responsibility and demand that parents should spend more money for education.
- 日本教育政策学会の論文
- 2009-07-07
- 成年年齢と若者の「精神的成熟」 : 民法と少年法の改正をめぐって
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- 児童虐待をめぐる言説と政策 : 児童虐待防止法は何をもたらしたか(I 子ども・家族・教育政策)
- 桜井智恵子著, 『市民社会の家庭教育』, 信山社, 2005年5月発行, 本体価格2,800円(VII 書評・図書紹介)
- 日本教育行政学会編, 『学会創立40周年記念 教育行政学の回顧と展望』, 教育開発研究所, 2006年10月発行, 本体価格2000円(VI 書評・図書紹介)
- 少子化をめぐる家族政策 : 家族はなぜ批判されるのか(I 人口変動と教育政策)