我が国の歯学教育の改革 : 歯学から口腔医学へ
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To fit the basic frame of elderly and knowledge-based societies in Japan, our life-style are changing to more communicative and more self-supporting. Changes in our society and life-style, leads change of a role of mouth and teeth. Social role of mouth and teeth is increasing year by year, and treatments of dental and oral diseases cannot be carried out without any consideration of the health condition of other parts of the body. This inevitably requires the dentists, in future, to communicate with patients as well as medical doctors and other medical staffs on common ground. Thus, the education in dentistry should be re-organized as a specialty of medicine, stomatology, and students should be educated in the medical schools. At present, studying liberal arts course in the universities makes education insufficient in the specialized course, qualitatively and quantitatively. Put the schools, for education on the liberal arts between the high schools and universities, is relevant in future, and medical schools are organized as professional schools. Dentists would be educated in the medical schools as specialists for oral diseases, at the post graduate program for the medical doctors. Fukuoka Dental College changed the name of Faculty to the "Oral Dentistry" from the "Dentistry" on April, 2013, as the first step to establish the "School of Oral Medicine (Stomatology)" under the separated educational system for medicine and dentistry, and to establish the dental education in the school of medicine, in future.
- 2013-11-01
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- 我が国の歯学教育の改革 : 歯学から口腔医学へ