E-1-1 カラートライアングル上の人間のメンバーシップ値のファジィ理論的分析 : 色相から色調への推論(色彩認識(1))
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The present study considers a fuzzy color system in which three membership functions are constructed on the color triangle. This system can process a fuzzy input to a color triangular system and output the center of gravity of three weights associated with respective grades. Three input fuzzy sets (red, green, and blue) are applied to the color triangle relationship. By treating three attributes of redness, greenness, and blueness on the color triangle, a target color can be easily obtained as the center of gravity of the output fuzzy set. In the present paper, 0% triangle is consisted of three lines of 0% redness, 0% greenness, and 0% blueness of the attributes. The colors on 0% triangle map into the right corner of tone triangle (on chroma C or near C). As compare the inference results for fuzzy inputs with those for crisp inputs, move to W (white region). The input-output relationship is shown by redness and chromaticness. The inference outputs for crisp inputs and for fuzzy inputs are roughly similar in this case. However at 0% triangle inference outputs are obviously different. Those for crisp inputs show vertically linear.
- 2012-12-26
菅野 直敏
山下 巧
森 文彦
菅野 直敏
加藤 駿
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