C205 4自由度自動二輪車モデルの改良に関する考察(OS12 二輪車のダイナミクスと制御1)
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In this paper, author describe about the 4 degrees of freedom motorcycle model that based on the Sharp's paper written in 1971. The improved model, called "Sharp* model" in this paper, is including the rolling resistance of the front tyre, the round profile of tyres, and recalculated centrifugal force. The last one has especially large influence on the difference between the original Sharp's model and the suggested Sharp* model. Simulation results show that the Sharp* model has vibrational characteristics and the instability in low forward speed.
- 2011-06-28
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- C205 4自由度自動二輪車モデルの改良に関する考察(OS12 二輪車のダイナミクスと制御1)