- 論文の詳細を見る
It has passed more than half century after the 1948 Great Fukui Earthquake Disaster. Today, Fukui residentsare in the period of forgetting the earthquake disaster. In order to assess people's consciousness of earthquakedisaster prevention, we made a questionnaire survey to about 400 people living in the Fukui area. Questionswere given with respect to goods , residences, and social activities necessary to prevent and mitigate earthquakedamages. The survey made it clear that : 1. Generally, the goods such as flash lights and batteries are prepared.The practices such as shut-down of gas , electricity, and water in their residences can be easily done . Fixture andstabilization of indoor tall furnitures are insufficient. The preparedness relating to social activities is insufficient.People are not eager to participate in community events for disaster-prevention training , and not so many fami-lies have discussed about how they have to do at earthquakes. Expensive or time-consuming measures are notaccepted actively , such as to insure against earthquakes and to read manuals for disaster prevention. Measuresfamiliar and necessary in daily life,are fairly achieved . 2. Among all age groups, teenagers and sixties are mostworried about earthquake and prepare relatively earnestly for disasters. Small , but significant differences in preparednessand perceptions to earthquake disasters are recognized between residents living in the damaged areasby Great Fukui Earthquake and residents living in non-damaged areas . The degree of preparedness of disasterprevention and the worry about earthquake disasters partly depend on the past experience of big earthquakes .3. School education for disaster prevention might affect the young people's consciousness . 4. Preparedness bystudents living in rental accommodations is not enough. This fact indicates that some measures prepared by therenters themselves are necessary.Based on these findings , we make a proposal to prevent earthquake disasters as follow: preparedness forprevention of earthquake disasters should be done as ordinary practices in daily lives , not in a special program.People should have many chances to take education for disaster prevention. These are important especially in theperiod of forgetting past earthquakes.
- 福井大学の論文
- 2001-11-01
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